Interface Schema.ConstantTypeOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Schema.ConstantType, Schema.ConstantType.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Schema.ConstantTypeOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Schema.RelType getRelType()
      Required This is the type of the constant and describes whatever is in the RelTuple value
      Schema.RelTypeOrBuilder getRelTypeOrBuilder()
      Required This is the type of the constant and describes whatever is in the RelTuple value
      Schema.RelTuple getValue()
      The tuple contains only the values that are not constant.
      Schema.RelTupleOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder()
      The tuple contains only the values that are not constant.
      boolean hasRelType()
      Required This is the type of the constant and describes whatever is in the RelTuple value
      boolean hasValue()
      The tuple contains only the values that are not constant.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasRelType

        boolean hasRelType()
         This is the type of the constant and describes whatever is in the RelTuple value
        .relationalai.protocol.RelType rel_type = 1;
        Whether the relType field is set.
      • getRelType

        Schema.RelType getRelType()
         This is the type of the constant and describes whatever is in the RelTuple value
        .relationalai.protocol.RelType rel_type = 1;
        The relType.
      • getRelTypeOrBuilder

        Schema.RelTypeOrBuilder getRelTypeOrBuilder()
         This is the type of the constant and describes whatever is in the RelTuple value
        .relationalai.protocol.RelType rel_type = 1;
      • hasValue

        boolean hasValue()
         The tuple contains only the values that are not constant.
         E.g. for decimal[64](3.14) only 3.14 is part of the data.
         Tuple because of e.g. specialize on Uniform distribution 
        .relationalai.protocol.RelTuple value = 2;
        Whether the value field is set.
      • getValue

        Schema.RelTuple getValue()
         The tuple contains only the values that are not constant.
         E.g. for decimal[64](3.14) only 3.14 is part of the data.
         Tuple because of e.g. specialize on Uniform distribution 
        .relationalai.protocol.RelTuple value = 2;
        The value.
      • getValueOrBuilder

        Schema.RelTupleOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder()
         The tuple contains only the values that are not constant.
         E.g. for decimal[64](3.14) only 3.14 is part of the data.
         Tuple because of e.g. specialize on Uniform distribution 
        .relationalai.protocol.RelTuple value = 2;